B.S. Entertainments

I really needed that holiday!
September 20, 2013, 11:49 pm
Filed under: Birthday, Corporate DJ, Disco, DJ, Random Benny Thought, Wedding DJ

I don’t often get the time to sit down and reflect on anything these days.  I think that may have something to do with the fact that I have been running around like a headless chicken performing at events.

2013 has taken me to a variety of glorious venues, such as Somerford Hall, Ardencote Manor, Wroxall Abbey, Hampton Manor, Shustoke Farm Barns, Hogarths, Nuthurst Grange, Redhouse Barn, Moxhull Hall, Highbury Hall…and those are the ones I can riff off from the top of my head.  It’s great being this busy, but it has all been a bit of a blur!

So after a break to Majorca where I caught up on my reading (or at least some of it), I am now back, fully recharged, sunburned like a prat and raring to go!  It’s just a crying shame that I had to leave behind a friend I made on holiday.  😦

Dr. Doolittle, eat yer heart out!

If you would like to a professional DJ, event host and broadcaster at your event who is at one with the animals and is currently covered in aloe vera, click here to hire Benny Smyth.