B.S. Entertainments

England didn’t want to win the World Cup…
June 28, 2010, 11:27 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

…they thought it would be nice if someone else won it instead.

That’s exactly what happened.

Got it?


The BBC needs some balls
June 18, 2010, 10:11 am
Filed under: Blogging, Uncategorized

Believe it or not, but the BBC has received 545 complaints about the vuvuzela horns in South Africa 2010. Apparently, the BBC have already “taken steps to minimise the noise” and a spokeswoman said:

“If the vuvuzela continues to impact on audience enjoyment, we will look at what other options we can take to reduce the volume further…”

But I think the BBC’s Director General Mark Thompson should make a public statement to the people who have made these complaints. Something to the effect of:

Pardon? You want me to find a way of stopping people blowing vuvuzela horns? But we don’t have any power over that. Ok, I hear what you’re saying, but…yes I understand, but…look I’ll tell you what – I’ll tell everyone not to blow the vuvuzela horns. And I’ll tell you what, I’ll go one better – while I’m there, I’ll tell the rain not to fall, the earth not to spin and for you to get a sodding life!

I think that will be quite effective.

South Africa 2010 starts today
June 11, 2010, 1:17 pm
Filed under: Blogging, Uncategorized

I hope that you don’t expect a lot of posts over the next 4 weeks…