B.S. Entertainments

Pet hatred of mine number 1: Spending money
November 3, 2012, 9:02 pm
Filed under: Random Benny Thought, Uncategorized

I own an S reg Renault Scenic. It loves petrol. In fact, it loves the stuff so much, it goes through it almost as quickly as I put the damn stuff into the car. I hate spending so much on petrol, so I was not best pleased with a conversation I had mere moments ago:

Attendant: That’s £67.41. Do you have a Shell card?

Me: No.

Attendant: Would you like to buy some drinks? Two for £2.

Me: Are you kidding me? In any other store in the world, I can get those same drinks at a considerably cheaper rate. Was shafting me for £70 not enough for you?

You would at least expect them to have some KY Jelly to help make the experience less painful.