B.S. Entertainments

Am I just being a bit thick?
August 24, 2010, 3:01 pm
Filed under: Blogging, Random Benny Thought, Uncategorized

I’ve been trawling through Autotrader looking for my first car, and at the same time I’m getting some idea on insurance prices via the comparison sites. Here’s what I have found out:

Lets say, for argument’s sake, that I intend on buying a Ford KA. For me, as a freshly qualified driver, my insurance would be around £2,000. But if I add my missus, who holds a provisional license, as a named driver, then the insurance drops to £1,200.


Go me
August 24, 2010, 11:40 am
Filed under: Blogging, Random Benny Thought, Uncategorized

I passed my test on Friday at the first attempt. The way it should be done.

I will be car hunting from Friday. I feel it will be stressful and rather amusing, so I’ll be sure to let you know how I get on.

I’m back, baby!
August 3, 2010, 2:59 pm
Filed under: Blogging, Uncategorized

So yes, if you were smart enough to work it out, it is in fact me who will be joining Stourbridge’s very own The ‘Bridge.

I get my on-air debut tomorrow from 10am as I cover for Terry Settle, and then in the very near future, I will be taking on the reigns of Breakfast! 102.5 FM across the southern Black Country and online at http://www.thebridgeradio.net